Nicolai Jung, chairman, is a lawyer, founder and equity partner of CLD Law. He specializes in corporate law, including mergers & acquisitions and restructurings. Nicolai Jung has earlier been an equity partner of Mazanti-Andersen and Rønne & Lundgren (now Lundgrens), and been employed by Dragsted & B. Helmer Nielsen (now Bech-Bruun) as well as by Hjejle, Gersted and Mogensen (all firms are attorneys of law). Further, he has worked at the Danish Department of Justice. Nicolai Jung holds a bachelor of law and economics (HA-jur.), and a master’s degree in law (cand.jur.), both from the University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Bjarne Mølgaard Knudsen, board member, is former responsible for equity-based incentive programmes at Novo Nordisk A/S, where he during his employment from 1981 to 2020 had a number of managerial positions, including Group Finance Manager. Bjarne Mølgaard Knudsen holds a M.Sc. (Econ.) from the University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Poul Lykkesfeldt, board member, is founder and managing partner of Reliance A/S. He has a background as Head of Investor Relations and acting Deputy Head of Group Communications of Novo Nordisk; senior pharma- and biotech analyst with Alfred Berg ABN AMRO; as well as corporate finance advisor with S.G. Warburg in London (now UBS Investment Bank), KPMG Corporate Finance og Gudme Raaschou. Poul Lykkesfeldt holds a M.Sc. (Econ.) from Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark, and a PED from IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland.